Tough, good to people and nature
GranitBond – the new generation for wood surfaces
For Rhenocoll, sustainable development means meeting the needs of the present in such a way that the opportunities of future generations are not restricted.
On this basis, Rhenocoll offers a range of sustainable coatings with the 'Expert Line' series, which consist of sophisticated, high-quality plant-based active ingredients and biological formulations.
Finely distributed on a water base, these penetrate into the wood, protect it and later reintegrate into the natural cycle without leaving any residue. Organic raw materials contribute to this, which are also used in the food industry and are completely free of harmful ingredients.
A new product in this series, which was specially designed for heavily used wooden surfaces, such as stairs, floors, doors, furniture, children's toys, wood in damp rooms, etc., is called Granit Bond. The robust coating with mineral components impresses with its good workmanship, very good protective effect, long durability and economical use.
The product is completely odorless both during processing and after drying. Due to the ecological purity of the coating, treated surfaces are not considered waste or hazardous waste but are recyclable.
Even a thin application provides lasting protection for wooden components and prevents abrasion, scratches and moisture penetration, making it suitable for wooden substrates in all interior fittings that are subject to heavy wear and tear.